Calcina Meat bone meal 5000 g

Calcina Meat bone meal
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
Calcina Meat bone meal Thumbnail
55,99 €
incl. 19.00% VAT.
47,05 € netto


Article no.: 12063 5
PZN: 03771100
EAN: 4027565120635
Delivery Time: 2 - 3 Werktage
Article: Canina® Calcina Meat bone meal 5000 g

Product description

Mineral straight feeding stuff for dogs

Calcium and phosphorus in CALCINA MEAT BONE MEAL support the development and maintenance of teeth, skeleton and bone structure. It is a purely natural product (100% pork) and is particularly suitable for pregnant and nursing bitches. In addition to its high palatability, CALCINA ME AT CUT MEAL has a positive effect on the animal's digestion.

The wild dog covered its calcium requirements from the bones of the hunted prey.... Canina® CALCINA MEAT BONE MEAL is therefore the most natural calcium supply:

  • pure meat bone meal with 12.2% calcium and 5.9% phosphorus
  • has a positive effect on digestion
  • high taste acceptance

Contents: 250g / 800g / 3,000g / 5,000g

This straight feeding stuff consists of protein-containing products obtained from mammalian tissue (pig) and which may not be fed to ruminants.

Feeding recommendation per animal and day:

Data in teaspoons up to 10kg up to 20kg up to 20kg
Dry food 1 1,5 3
Wet food 1,5 3 4
Selfmade fodd 3 4 6

(1 teaspoon = approx. 7g)

From the 30th day of pregnancy, the dosage should be doubled according to the table (2 x maintenance requirement).
For lactating bitches according to the table:
4 puppies = 2 x maintenance requirement
4-6 puppies = 4 x maintenance requirement
from 6 puppies = 5 x maintenance requirement

Meat and bone meal of German origin.

Product data

Zusammensetzung Tierische Nebenprodukte (100 % Fleischknochenmehl vom Schwein - deutscher Herkunft)
Inhaltsstoffe % Feuchte 5 %, Rohprotein 50,3 %, Rohfett 12,6 %, Rohasche 27,4 %, Calcium 12,2 %, Phosphor 5,9 %
Lagerungsempfehlung Bei Raumtemperatur und trocken lagern.
Nummer Futtermittelverordnung α DE NW 1 15491