Hemp Sticks 500 g

Hemp Sticks
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
Hemp Sticks Thumbnail
26,99 €
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25,22 € netto


Article no.: 14101 2
PZN: 15813654
EAN: 4027565141012
Lieferzeit: 2 - 3 Werktage
Article: Canina® Hemp Sticks 500 g

Product description

The healthy snack for in between meals! - 100% pure hemp flour

Balanced amino acid pattern, essential fatty acids

Straight feeding stuff for dogs

Canina® HEMP STICKS are the healthy, natural reward for between meals. The daily supply of Canina® HEMP STICKS rounds off the amino acid profile and fatty acid pattern of ready-to-eat food in particular.

Most treats are not good for your dog's health - they contain sugar or additives such as preservatives and flavorings. Canina® HEMP STICKS are popular due to their high content of unsaturated fatty acids such as alpha- and gamma-linolenic acid and valuable amino acids. They support muscle strength and regeneration during sporting activities as well as in young dogs. Old dogs benefit from the optimum amino acid profile and are supported in their well-being, quality of life and exercise routine.

Canina® HEMP STICKS strengthen the body's own immune system thanks to the micronutrients they contain. Thanks to the dietary fibre (high fibre content), Canina® HEMP STICKS are filling without being heavy, nourish the intestines and optimize digestion. The unsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on hair growth and coat quality.

Young dogs in particular, which are unfocused and nervous during training, benefit from Canina® HANF STICKS. The omega fatty acids and the balanced amino acid pattern, in combination with educational measures, can contribute to greater resilience and balance in such dogs.

Canina® HEMP STICKS have no intoxicating effect because they are made from feed hemp, which has a minimal THC content of approx. 0.07 (THC = tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is responsible for the psychoactive effect and is only contained in the female hemp plant, which is not used in Canina® HEMP STICKS.

Canina® HEMP STICKS can prevent nutritional deficiency symptoms (regardless of what is fed) and are a nutritionally valuable contribution for every day.

Also available as a powder: Canina® HEMP POWDER

Contents: 200 g / 500 g

Composition / Ingredients:

Composition: Hemp meal 100% (Cannabis sativa L.) processed into sticks

Ingredients: crude protein 29.7%, crude fat 7.1%, crude fiber 30.3%, moisture 10.5%

The fat content is made up as follows:
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid 58.26 %, alpha-linolenic acid 19.14 %, gamma-linolenic acid 0.05 %
Monounsaturated fatty acids: palmitoleic acid 0.10 %, oleic acid 11.61 %, gadoleic acid 0.41 %,
Saturated fatty acids: myristic acid 0.10 %, palmitic acid 6.28 %, stearic acid 2.72 %, arachidic acid 0.88 %, behenic acid 0.33 %, lignoceric acid 0.15 %,

Feeding recommendation per animal and day:
3 g per 10 kg body weight, max. 30 g

Canina® HEMP STICKS are given between meals as a healthy reward. They are easy to divide so that an individual dosage is possible.

The specified amount per 10 kg can be doubled if necessary. Do not exceed 30 g per day.

Also suitable for puppies.

Product data

Zusammensetzung 100 % naturbelassene Hanfbestandteile (von Cannabis sativa L.)
Inhaltsstoffe % Feuchte 10,5 %, Rohprotein 29,7 %, Rohfaser 30,3 %, Rohfett 7,1 %
Zusatzstoffe Durchschnittliche Fettsäurezusammensetzung:Mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren:Linolsäure 58,26 %Alpha-Linolensäure 19,14 %Gamma-Linolensäure 0,05 %Einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren:Palmitoleinsäure 0,10 %Ölsäure 11,61 %Gadoleinsäure 0,41 %Gesättigte Fettsäuren:Myristinsäure 0,10 %Palmitinsäure 6,28 %Stearinsäure 2,72 %Arachinsäure 0,88 %Behensäure 0,33 %Lignocerinsäure 0,15 %
Lagerungsempfehlung Bei Raumtemperatur und trocken lagern.
Nummer Futtermittelverordnung α DE NW 1 15491

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