Barfer's Best Junior 3500 g

Barfer's Best Junior
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
Barfer's Best Junior Thumbnail
93,99 €
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87,84 € netto


Article no.: 12852 5
PZN: 10407731
EAN: 4027565128525
Lieferzeit: 2 - 3 Werktage
Article: Canina® Barfer's Best Junior 3500 g

Product description

Especially for barfered puppies / young dogs during the growth phase and for optimum bone and joint development.

Supplementary feed for puppies and young dogs

For the balanced B.A.R.F. meal.

Canina® BARFER'S BEST JUNIOR contains all the vitamins and minerals, including calcium, that puppies/young dogs fed raw meat need every day to meet their requirements.

Puppies and young dogs place high demands on the daily B.A.R.F. meal:

  • the bones and muscles develop in a short time
  • the coat changes from the puppy coat to the coat of the adult dog
  • and - last but not least - the young dog learns quickly and intensively in the first few months of its life.

To optimally support this development, we have created a product for barfed puppies/young dogs that provides the growing organism with all the vital nutrients it needs to develop in the best possible way.

Canina® BARFER'S BEST JUNIOR is easy to digest, tastes good and should not be missing from any B.A.R.F. meal until the end of the growth phase. It supports the development of a healthy skeleton, strong muscles and strong teeth.

The addition of green-lipped mussel meat meal (Perna canaliculus from New Zealand) strengthens the natural function of the entire connective tissue apparatus such as tendons, ligaments and joints. Canina® BARFER'S BEST JUNIOR deliberately contains no synthetic vitamins or minerals; all vital substances, including the important vitamin D3, come from natural sources (seaweed, yeast). Calcium is only incorporated into the bone substance with the help of vitamin D3.

Together with Canina® BARFER'S OIL, the B.A.R.F. meal is complete for the growing dog.

Contents: 350 g / 850 g / 3,500 g

Feeding recommendation per animal per day:

Dog weighs 5-20 kg when fully grown:
Month of life of the puppy:

  • 1 - 5 months → 2 teaspoons
  • 6 - 15 months → 1 teaspoon

Dog weighs > 20 kg when fully grown:
Month of puppy's life:

  • 1 - 5 months → 3 teaspoons
  • 6 - 15 months → 2 teaspoons

(1 teaspoon = approx. 6 g)

The dosage depends on the body weight of the OUTGROWN dog!

The specified feeding recommendation must not be exceeded.

Product data

Zusammensetzung Calcium Carbonat, Bierhefe inaktiviert (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Algenkalk (Lithothamnium calcareum), Grünlipp-Muschelfleischmehl (Perna canaliculus), Seealgenmehl (Ascophyllum nodosum), Natriumchlorid.
Inhaltsstoffe % Feuchte 3,1 %, Rohprotein 9,7 %, Rohfaser 0,3 %, Rohfett 1,0 %, Rohasche 70,5 %, Calcium 21,5 %, Phosphor 2,58 %, Natrium 3,38 %
Zusatzstoffe Zink als Zinkoxid 800 mg, Mangan als Mangan-(2)-oxid 186 mg, Kupfer als Kupfer-(2)-sulfat-Pentahydrat 155 mg, Jod als Calciumjodat (wasserfrei) 12,4 mg, Selen als Natriumselenit 3,6 mg
Lagerungsempfehlung Bei Raumtemperatur und trocken lagern.
Nummer Futtermittelverordnung α DE NW 1 15491

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